In Room 3 we are lucky that some senior students from Room 5 (Year 7 & Year 8 students) have elected to come in on weekday mornings to help us with our reading, maths skills and spelling.
Watch this space for profiles of these fabulous student helpers.
Meet Sam.
Sam is one of our Year 8 girls. She has been at Outram School for eight years and she loves it!
I asked Sam to share one of her memories from when she was six years old at Outram School (that is the same age as some of the Busy Bee's in Room 3 now). She was actually in Mrs Bellamy's class when she was that age and one of her greatest memories is having Super Ted for a long weekend and taking him to Naseby!
When asked what the best thing about being a senior at Outram was Sam replied that it was getting to be a leader and being on School Council which she really enjoys. Some of the things Sam does as one of those leaders is being the Green House Leader, being the Deputy Chairperson on the Council and also the student Cultural Leader. As part of her Cultural role Sam runs and teaches a Guitar Club with the support of the wonderful Mrs Parks. I've seen Sam teaching in action and I think that that guitar group is really lucky having such a patient, talented teacher. Room 3 feel really lucky to have you as a Buddy Reader too.....thanks Sam!
Meet Poppy Jade
Poppy Jade is another Room 3 Buddy Reader the children love taking their readers to her in the mornings. She is a Year 7 and has been at Outram School since she was five. One of her strongest early memories from being in Mrs Bayne's class was being in groups according to the colour of your shoes (I must ask Mrs Bayne about theat one....). One of her favourite games when she was the age of our Room 3 Bees was Octopus.
I asked Poppy Jade what was great about becoming a Senior at Outram School. She loves doing Adventure CAPEs (Outram's home grown equivalent of the Duke Of Edinburgh Awards). Her best Adventure so far has been a Surf Day at the beach. Sounds fun.
This is Luke. Luke is a Year 8 and has been at Outram School since he was five. He loves it! One of his earliest memories of school is doing Mrs Bayne's Alphabet Challenge - something the little pre-schoolers are still getting excited about.
Luke is a great leader at school and the Room 3 children love reading to him in the mornings. Luke is one of the leaders of Robotics club at lunch times - a very busy place to be. One of the things he enjoys most is playing hockey.
Thanks for being such a great help in Room 3 Luke!
Meet Angus
Angus in action
Here is Angus in action working alongside Poppy Jade with a reading group in Room 3. Angus loves being a senior at Outram school. He likes not having to sit on the mat anymore and he enjoys some of the privileges that come with being a senior.
Angus has been at Outram School since he was five years old and one of his strongest memories of the early years at school are of making arty things with Mrs Bayne in Room 2.
Thanks for being a Room 3 senior reader Angus!
Meet Mia
Mia has been at Outram since she was 9 years old. She started in Room 7 with Mrs Jackson as her teacher. She really likes Outram School and thinks the best thing is the people here. It's a nice school where everyone looks out for each other. She enjoys doing reading in the mornings and helping out with the Year Ones and Twos. The best thing about Year 7 and 8 she thinks, is going to be camp next year. They are off to Stuart Island.
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